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Postpartum birth consult

Sometimes processing your birth story can be difficult. In this session we review your experience at your own pace, using tools such as heartmath to support your journey. We will discuss other tools and processes you might like to use to thrive in the postpartum. Learn ideas  to reconnect and communicate with your new baby.

Debrief and process your birth story                     $110.00

Follow up session $80.00​



Parenting a newborn 101
Confidence & Connection for parenting a newborn.

Postpartum support for the new family.

The perinatal period also includes those weeks and months after baby comes. I provide a safe place to ask questions, review your birth and support you as you learn about being a new parent. Often times families are so focused on the birth that they almost forget they are bringing home a brand new human. Perhaps your pregnancy and birth did not go as you expected and now you are unsure of what to do next. Healing and well-ness in the postpartum period can include learning about how to nutrition, anxiety, and support can all have an impact.  If you would like to learn more please message. If it is the first week postpartum I can do home visits. 

In home or virtual $120.00

A LA Carte options

 Postpartum support after birth

if you would like help and support after baby comes this may entail: providing support in the immediate postpartum, providing in home support the first day, and being available during the first week postpartum for in home/virtual/ call/text support.

Postpartum support $550

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